Capitalisation As A Vehicle For Green & Circular Business Development In The mediterranean Region


A Vehicle For Green & Circular Business Development In The mediterranean Region

This report offers a comprehensive assessment of capitalisation methodologies employed in the field of green and circular business within the Mediterranean (MED) region, alongside their anticipated outcomes. It offers profound insights into the role of green and circular businesses, underlining the importance of capitalisation. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the capitalisation methodology adopted by the RESET Project, alongside other capitalisation project methodologies within the MED, serving as case studies to evaluate enabling factors and challenges for future capitalisation endeavours. Finally, the report provides strategic recommendations for the design and implementation of capitalisation projects.

Green and circular businesses play a pivotal role in catalysing change across the Mediterranean. They provide solutions to the environmental and socio-economic challenges in the region resulting in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, water conservation, pollution reduction, job creation, and the mitigation of social disparities. Capitalisation initiatives can further ensure the success and long-term impact of green and circular businesses in the region, as they offer transformative outcomes that include: Dissemination, Knowledge Exchange, and Policy Influence.

Recommendations for the design and execution of green and circular economy capitalisation initiatives in the Mediterranean region are devised to streamline the dissemination of valuable lessons learned, foster knowledge exchange, and effectively influence policy-making.